Our Success Stories

National ID Project 


As the largest government project that service the Iraqi citizen, thanks for IraqSky which provided the consultancy for National ID Project including primary and secondary datacenter infrastructure design, project concavity, more than 350 remote office issuing redundant connectivity with primary and secondary datacenter.

Central bank of Iraq


Banking is the one of important sectors in our daily operation live. We are proud to Provision the Support and Maintenance Service for CBI Data Center Infrastructure and Local Area Network for both Primary and Secondary Data Center including Hardware infrastructure and software delivered service in banking sectors.

Network Infrastructure solution 


Ministry of Education 


Our developing and programming team are planned, designed and developed the Iraqi MoED eLearning platform including all the required features and learning type, to serve more than 10 million student in government and private sectors.


Through Our partner cabling manufacture, we provides 25 years product life and warranty.



IraqSky was the prime contractor with The National Communications and Media Commission of Iraq electronic survey. Our responsible was execute the electronic survey with 180 questions in all Iraqi provinces including Districts and sub-districts and provision all the reports in multiple forms.

ISP Datacenter 


IraqSky provided the optimal datacenter hosting solution for domestic serves provider, our responsibilities was design, deploy and the operate the datacenter facility including existing capacity and future expansion.